Scenario C : The Courtyard
A week ago, one of your fellow rangers stumbled into camp, escorting a Lorenthian survivor she had rescued from a troop of Hu-Mans in the Jungle Deep. During their debriefing, they mentioned seeing the ruins of the Convent of St. Emilia, once a great house of healing in Lorenthia. It is said that the nuns never turned away anyone that came to them in sickness, and that they were aided in their mission through the possession of a powerful magic artefact, the Decanter of St. Emilia, also known as the Decanter of Burning Light.
Water poured from this silver decanter onto a wound would wash it free of any infection, poison, or other corruption. The ranger didn’t approach the convent but, from what she could tell, the place appeared abandoned. The walls were cracked, and several of the towers had collapsed. Soon afterwards, you were summoned by your captains. They explained the situation and tasked you to venture into the Jungle Deep, make your way to the ruins, and, if possible, find the Decanter of St. Emilia. Such healing powers could save many lives and prove a huge advantage in the ongoing war. Gathering your companions, and what gear you need, you set off. You took the path known as the shattered stairs and descended into the Deep, slowly making your way through the boggy terrain that stretched out before you. Following a map provided by your captains, you carried on until the land finally dried into a barren, rocky, jungle-covered expanse. You spent your nights sleeping in ditches and shallow caves, and your days dodging patrols of Hu-Mans and other foul creatures, eating meals of dried rations and whatever babelushga could be caught.
Thankfully, the map noted a couple of freshwater pools where you could replenish. After nearly eight days of travel, you caught your first glimpse of the convent. Its ruins stood at the top of a rocky escarpment, visible from miles around, even in the perpetual gloom. Conscious that anyone in the convent had a great vantage point to see you coming, you took your time approaching, flitting from rock to rock, always staying in the shadows. Finally, you reached the walls…
Scenario C - The Courtyard
A grim scene is revealed as you step into the courtyard. Bodies lie everywhere – a few guards, but mostly nuns. They have been torn and hacked down, and their bodies left to rot where they lie. A fountain filled with dark water sits in the middle of the yard, and a large broken cart off to one side. Proceeding further, you hear the soft squelch of rotting flesh as five squishy zombies rise from amidst the carnage and turn their eyeless faces in your direction.
Tenfold Dungeon's "The Castle" to the rescue... |
The company decided to begin their exploration of the Convent by the courtyard, breaching it through a section of ruined wall in the south-west corner.
The desolation before their eyes was despairing, and although the power of St Emilia obviously continued to infuse the place, as witnessed the remains of the gardens and a great solitary tree, it had not saved the nuns. That they had died their spirits untainted was obvious, in that they rose as "squishy zombies" [the skeletons of the original scenario], easy to lay down again. The convent guards, provided by the King of Lorenthia, had also been overrun; unfortunate as they formed a group of Valiant Dead for the evil ways of the enemy.
Whilst the Twins peppered the oncoming undead with crossbow bolts, Keila and Pattashin led the way into the fray, but Keila was a little too hasty, leading her to be overwhelmed by a wave of Valiant Dead and laid low. As the fighting intensified, Bohwihsh slipped through and hurried to the cabin on the east side of the courtyard, where he found and released the convent's Battle Ram, although it was too scared to join the company.
Covered by Akriss, and his familiar, Katniss made it to the fountain where she had time to study the ruined statue of St Emili, and uncovered some useful information [which I won't mention here, as it would be a spoiler, ndlr !]. Meanwhile, Tor Varden's Battle Ram did stirling work, carving a bloody path through two squishies.
A Ghoul Flinger made its entrance, but Bohwihsh was able to slip inside the cabin and avoid it. A handful of Squishy Zombies boiled out of the Hospital Ward, still bearing their blood-soaked bandages. Using Split Cast and Fireball, Akriss blew them to smithereens, and set the Ghoul Flinger on fire [down to 1 Health].
There was a moment of concern as a Young Pteranodon suddenly soared into the air, but The Twins brought it down with one (well, two, I suppose) perfectly placed shots, and the beast with its considerable wingspan and weight plummeted down onto, and through the roof, of the Gatehouse.
With Keila down, Pattashin was the muscle of the group, and hence made his way to the cart. Overturning it, he could only look down in dismay at the body...and then shrink back at the Tortured Soul that rose up, wailing in agony and sending shivers down every spine. This obviously disconcerted Akriss, who never managed to translate the lines of runes on the courtyard's north-west wall. As more hideous moaning sounds emerged from the buildings all around, it was obviously time to leave. The heroes decided to take cover in the Ruined Chapel...
Akriss' Cobra had (as usual...this is what comes from being an expendable familiar...) its health reduced to 0 but made a full recovery. Keila was less fortunate, suffering a Crushed Arm [-1 Fight] from the axe that the Valiant Dead planted in it.
The mission "Burning Light" has its own special rules for recovering health (and we presume that a figure reduced to 0 Health also follows them). The Twins' survival skills helped Pattashin recover most of his wounds. Akriss dedicated some magical energy to helping his cobra heal, meaning he could not heal himself, but he had only taken a flesh wound (-1 Health). Bohwihsh was unable to help Keila, but fortunately Akriss was on hand with his Heal spell. After all was said and done, the company was not in too bad a shape, and Pattashin had also found a Potion of Healing to help with injuries from future fighting.
The Rangers add up their XP. We have decided to implement a house rule : instead of Rangers getting equal XP, each Ranger gains XP for whatever s/he or his/her companions achieved, which is then doubled (as we have 2 Rangers). This doubling is not applied to XP that, by its nature, benefits both Rangers.
Twins and their companions slew a total of 4 Squishies, 2 Valiant Dead and 1 Pteranodon. This
means a total of (11 x 2) = 22 XP, to which were added the shared 17 XP from freeing the Battle Ram, exploring the statue, overturning the cart and picking the lock on the second outhouse. All this brought the Twins to 654 XP.
and his companions blasted 7 Squishies, 2 Valiant Dead and 1 Ghoul Flinger, for (14 x 2) = 28 XP, plus the shared 17 XP. With 542 XP, Akriss became a Level 5 Ranger. Retaining all spells, he improved in Ancient Lore (+1), Read Runes (+2) and Survival (+2).
Companions gain 2 PP, except for the Cobra and Keila (1 PP). We also have another
House Rule : for each 10 XP (FRD) a Companion brings in for his Ranger,
he receives an additional 1 PP. This benefitted Katniss, who gained an extra 1 PP. Both Pattashin and Keila are now level 2, choosing +1 Fight.
All Heroic Abilities and Spells used are regained.
No treasure was found during this scenario.
The company did not redistribute any gains from the scenario or previously.
Akriss has a spellbook, in which he leaves his Heal spell.
This is the end of a scenario, so there is no reorganisation.
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