Scenario 2 - Dungeon Level 2


As your companions ready themselves for the dark descent, you stop to take a closer look at the elevator that will take you into the depths. Although the pulley system includes a significant length of rope, it is far too short to reach the level of the Shadow Deep. It is clear the descent must be in steps or stages. 
Added to the fact that you are still at least a mile from the edge of the Deep, and you know that you’ll have to make a long journey through tunnels and passageways. You will try to remain undetected for as long as possible, but know that likely, at some point, you’ll probably have to fight your way through. 
With a sigh, you motion to your companions and you all step on to the gently swaying platform that will take you down into the darkness…

Scenario 2 - Dungeon Level 2

As you descend further into the dungeon, a burning stench comes wafting up the shaft. It’s so powerful that your eyes water, your throat burns, and your stomach churns. You stop the descent so everyone can take a moment to recover and cover their mouths. Then, a moment later, the elevator comes to rest on the floor of another empty room. Still slightly nauseous from the reek, you ready your weapons and prepare to see what horrors this level holds.


No rest for the brave, straight out into the choking smoke in the corridor.  Ren and her companions turn right to engage the enemy, The Twins and their company head left.

What foul ritual is this ?  Three shamans utter foul words on a soiled altar, the floor running with so much blood it is slippery.  An agile Ren, a deadly Angel and a roiled Princess make short work of the evil scions of the Jungle Deep, and discover some interesting lore as regards the dreaded Humpbacks.
The separation of the two companies does however mean that The Twins are pitted against a foe too great for them, one by one the ranger and their companions fall.  Ren and her acolytes arrive just a little too late...

Although the situation seems bleak, the narrow corridors are a disadvantage to the enemy.  Ren, Angel and Princesse carve through the thick ranks of the enemy and hope swells anew.

Hodor ! Hodor !  Difficult to get the better of a snail rolled up into its shell, and boosted by Princesse's magic.

The companions make it to the lift with one room unexplored.  Curiousity killed the cat, so down they go to face whatever lays below....


Plunged into the thick of the fighting from the beginning, The Twins, Keila, the Battle Ram and Pabrim all went down.  Arisien succumbed later, during his heroic attempt to block the door.  All however made a Full Recovery after their comrades dragged them to the lift.

In this scenario, characters regain some Health but not to full, so are not allowed to search for herbs.  Which wouldn't make sense anyway : )  Two healing potions had been looted, and these were given to The Twins and to Pabrim.  As for Keila, she will be suffering from Disease during the next scenario.

We use our house rules for XP acquisition for Rangers and PPs for Companions.

The Twins gained 68 XP, with themselves and their team having slain a total of nine enemies, including a Humpback.  This brought them up to Level 15, improving BRP by +10.

For once Ren gained more, a whopping 222 XP (yes, forget the 150 XP cap !); thirteen kills including three Humpbacks and four Shamans, what a haul !  This let her climb two levels, to Level 13, improving in Acrobatics, Perception and Pick Locks, and acquiring Distraction to round out her roguish profil.

Amongst the companions, Angel made an indelible mark on the enemy, with nine kills, netting him +12 PP in all and bringing him to Level 6.  Princesse, who found some Gold & Jewels to boot, gained 7 PP and also reached Level 6.

All Heroic Abilities and Spells used are regained.

The company found some interesting booty, an old, lost, Alladorian poem that will bring new heart to the kingdom (kept by The Twins), a Herb Box with two doses of Farlight Leaf, that Ren took; a spyglass that went to Pabrim, a crystal ball that (of course) went to Princesse; a crossbow bolt doing +8 damage that The Twins tucked away, and to round it all out, two healing potions (rapidly used), two Potions of Toughness, and some Fairy Dust. 

The Twins also translated a scroll that tells much about the making and unmaking of Humpbacks, giving all the adventurers +1 Fight against them.

With the company beginning to be weighed down with their bounty, Ren handed the anti-poison book to Princesse, who in turn gave her rope and grapple to Pabrim.

No reorganisation is possible, so no magical equipment can be explored for hidden properties.

Time to plunge into the third level of Dungeons Dark !
