Scenario 1 - Dungeon Level 1


As your companions ready themselves for the dark descent, you stop to take a closer look at the elevator that will take you into the depths. Although the pulley system includes a significant length of rope, it is far too short to reach the level of the Shadow Deep. It is clear the descent must be in steps or stages. 
Added to the fact that you are still at least a mile from the edge of the Deep, and you know that you’ll have to make a long journey through tunnels and passageways. You will try to remain undetected for as long as possible, but know that likely, at some point, you’ll probably have to fight your way through. 
With a sigh, you motion to your companions and you all step on to the gently swaying platform that will take you down into the darkness…

Scenario 1 - Dungeon Level 1

With no one left atop to help control the platform, it is left to your small team to work the ropes and lower the elevator down the rough-hewn shaft. Slowly, the light from the entrance above fades, until it is just a round spot of light in the darkness. The only sounds are the constant squeak of the pulley wheels and the grunts of your companions as they work the ropes. Then, just as the rope nears its end, the platform descends into an empty chamber. There is a door, standing slightly ajar in one corner of the room. You are glad to have this moment of peace to organize before you proceed into whatever warrens the minions of the Shadow Deep have constructed...


The company took a bit of rest and respite, and Princesse drifted off into a lazy sleep.  She awoke with a shout that she barely muffled in time.

She was trembling from the darkest dreams, that had seen the entire company plunged into nothingness [yes, we got tanked on the first run; so we used the author's kind suggestion to pretend it was just a bad dream.  Next time though it will be the snake pit !].

The layout of Level 1, as described by the soothseer on her awakening. [to avoid spoilers, I won't say too much about the rooms and definitely not where the lift is ndlr]

Heavy fighting in one of the corridors.  "They have a cave ogre !".

Angel faces up to another Cave Troll, fortunately help is not far away, and Ren and he are able to defeat it.


Only the Battle Ram was put out of action by an Ogre - it sure helps knowing in advance which rooms to avoid !  He made a Full Recovery.

In this scenario, characters regain some Health but not to full, so are not allowed to search for herbs.  Which wouldn't make sense anyway : )

We use our house rules for XP acquisition for Rangers and PPs for Companions.

The Twins gained 111 XP, with themselves and their team having slain a total of seven enemies.

Ren gained 85 XP; only two kills but a particularly mighty ogre amongst them.  She dropped just 6 XP short of Level 12.

The companions did well, with in particular +6 PP for Keila (who made Level 7), and +5 PP for Pabrim (who made Level 6).  The cheetah seems as much at ease underground as above it.

All Heroic Abilities and Spells used are regained.

The company found some interesting booty, with an ivory-hilted dagger and two magic arrows for The Twins, and a rather fascinating tome on local poisonous species that Arisien tucked into his shell.

Arisien then decided to give the book to Ren, after the two carefully perused its stained and aged pages.

No reorganisation is possible, so no magical equipment can be explored for hidden properties.

Time to confront the second level of Dungeons Dark !
