Turn 16 - Days 83 to 91 - Mankhandun

The Temple of Sisyn has been liberated.  Worship of the god, which has been in voluntary or involuntary abettance for quite some years, can now resume.  The High Priestess - daughter of Tidjit's Alderman, but now under the influence of the village's shaman - and that the company had been dispatched to Okerdik to bring back home - can now lead members of a suddenly reappearing cult, to the temple to purify it.

The company continues to be unsure whether the return of this Death God cult is a good thing.  No doubt it will strengthen resistance against the Jungle Deep, but at what cost to the people of these lands ?

What will the quest that Sisyn has set for Drake's Seven, and which they can hardly refuse without losing Tidjit's friendship, allow the Death God to accomplish ?  Will Godric's keeping back of the strange object he found in the Temple, and which surely belonged to a long-dead High Priestess, make any difference to those plans ?

Is it a coincidence that Kehar, the forest shaman who had, far more than any of them, built some link with Sisyn, has fallen in his Temple, and been clearly welcomed into the divinity's arms ?

What is the link between Sisyn, and the mysterious and haunted Taran burial ground located in The Shroud, on some ancient battle site where their chariot-warriors seem to have died in great numbers ?  The company had first crossed paths with Sisyn's white stag shortly after fleeing the baleful site, and the statuettes they had recovered there generated a lot of excitement in Tidjit.  The shaman had called them zilniri, and bought them to prevent Sisyn "leaving his dreams".

Godric and Partheghimeos hope that the scholar from the Cascades, who has just ridden into Tidjit with a small company of Rangers, might be able to consult his colleagues and shed some light on what the Death God and his worshippers have planned.

In the meantime, the agents of the Jungle Deep must be stopped, and the enemy of one's enemy...

Their choice of camp brought them some unexpected luck.  Near dawn, Mina who was on picket duty, intercepted an unarmed visitor.  It turned out he was a healer, used to coming to this place where useful herbs often thrived.  He not only patched up Ruiaridh [gaining one turn of healing], he also volunteered to accompany him back to Tidjit.  Everyone agreed, the hedgehog would be able to update his countrymen on the enemy intentions they had learned so much of.

With the hedgehog out from under their feet, and no longer constantly badgering them about their quest for Sisyn, the company could also more freely choose what to do next.

The parchments taken from the dead captain had confirmed the presence of an enemy encampment west of Mankhandun.  Godric, and it seemed Krik, were all for pushing their advantage and striking another, hopefully fatal, blow against the Ruin Within.

"There are only four of us", Mina observed, nonetheless chewing complacently.

"We should go to Mankhandun", piped up the chipmunk wizard.  "We might be able to recruit a bit of help there.  We can ask the monks for those sacred texts the Priestess is hoping for...."

"And pick their brains about this cult of Sisyn", Godric finished for him.

"Or their library", replied Parthoghimeos, his eyes shining. 

The healer's indications allowed the company to curate enough Silvertree Leaf in the vicinity for another healing dose.  With seven pouches of it now in stock, Godric was confident in their ability to risk another fight.  Parthoghimeos' excited squeaks raised his hopes even further.  The diminutive magician had found a congealed strand, wrapped around one of the long vines poking out through the statue's eye.

"I don't think that Sisyn is the only half-forgotten god of these lands", Mina murmured.


Travel to Mankhandun was uneventful.  

[Add blurb here]

Krik was able to get a new set of bowstrings, the monks not unused to defending themselves, and he worked with them to shore up the self bow he had in reserve, to ensure the company would not again be left without any archery.

The monks provided the company with a Follower (write this up a bit better, choose a figure...).  The company sell their jewellery, write something about the monks intended to get it back to their rightful owner (and claim a reward, of course !).  The company but a repair kit (rare goods).  Actually they trade the jewels for it and a good meal, would be better said.

(Complete this part with a description of Mankhandun, and of the meeting with the monks.  Remember it is they who alerted the Rangers to the presence of the Deep (see 0 - The Vale), that it is built upon a ruined Taran city, that the company are there to pick up some sacred texts on Sisyn, but also find more about the Death God (see the descriptions above).  Mankhandun no doubt troubled by close by enemy camp.

Create Turn 17 - Days 92 to 94 - Enemy Camp.  Add libellé and link.  Travel to the enemy camp.  Check for Travel events and then roll up the scenario !  Don't forget the Ruin Within have Bolstered Leadership. 

During Travel, meet a  Pilgrim (which makes sense), but he is busying towards his goal and is Disinterested.


Scenario Parameters :

This is a Battle Against the Enemy Threat, leading to a Meeting Encounter against The Ruin Within.

The enemy are another Outlaw Gang (p.154).  There are 7 enemies, of whom 2 have slings, the entire band led by a Captain. [These will be a mix of Hu-Man outlaws and Elain].

The objective is to Search for Something (p.132). 

The enemy are too disorganised to attempt to Outflank.

The enemy captain hopes to use this place as a rallying point, so his goal is to Establish a Larger Presence.  If the company fail to Achieve the Objective, this entails a roll on the table on p.98

There is no special Story Point in this scenario, so no means to immediately gain 1 Story Point.

Terrain is set up as per the generic rules (p.128-129), and for set-up see p.134.

After setting up, the heroes can attempt to Seize the Initiative (p.134), with a +1 modifier

Under Siege (p.219) is in effect, so should a Unique Foe appear during the battle, and is not slain, a roll must be made on the Enemy Plans Table (p.207).



After visiting Mankhandun, the company, hopefully reinforced, can attack the enemy camp, then travel back to Tidjit with the sacred texts.  Parthoghimeos, if he can pore over the parchments, will hopefully be able to discover where the Hideout of the Ruin Within is, allowing the company to destroy it...and they can then finally embark on their Quest.
