

Move    Fight   
4 +1 +0 13 +0 8 Amphibious   

Amphibious : not slowed by any rough ground terrain that is a water feature (shallow water, swamp,...).  Never have to make Swimming Rolls.


The scholars of Alladore, and their distinguished Lorethian cousins, were able to cull but little information on the Jungle Deep.  Studies of artefacts, and observation of certain armour, weapons, and script led to common agreement that there is some alien civilisation at the heart of it, probably ancient.

Although many bird-folk live on the continent, the Tethru represent a species otherwise unknown, apparently known as "ibises".  They are at their most dangerous in watery areas, where they lay in ambush, often rising up out of the deep to surprise their enemies.  They march into battle wearing some of the characteristic paraphernalia and symbols of the "Jungle Deep civilisation".

Action flowchart

I wanted to offer certain creatures more complex behaviour during a scenario, with the addition of a die roll.  Using this flowchart instead of the one on page 35 of the RoSD rulebook is always optional.

1. Is the creature in combat ?

Yes : use step 1 of the standard Evil Creature Actions flowchart

2. Is there a hero in line of sight ?

Yes : proceed to step 2b

No : proceed to step 3


2b.  Is there a hero in Deep Water within 12" ?

Yes : roll 1D20

1-10 : use two actions to move directly towards the closest of those heroes, and fight if possible.

11-20 : use two actions to move directly towards the one of those heroes with the less remaining health, and fight if possible

No : proceed to step 2c

2c.  Is there Deep Water within 12" ?

Yes : roll 1D20

1-3 : use two actions to move directly towards the closest such Deep Water, stopping when in it

4-6 : use two actions to move directly towards the closest such Deep Water, moving in such a way to put as many LOS hindrances as possible between the final position, and the closest enemy with a missile weapon, including moving out of sight if possible

8-20 : proceed to step 2d

No : proceed to step 2d

2d.  Roll 1D20

1-6 : use up to two actions to move towards the closest Tethru.  If already within 4" of another Tethru, treat as a roll of 7-12.

7-12 : use up to two actions to move directly towards the closest hero, and fight if possible

13-20 : use up to two actions to move directly towards the hero within 12" who is currently in combat with the most creatures, and fight if possible.  If no hero is within 12", treat as a roll of 7-12.

3.  Does the scenario include a target point ?

Use step 3 of the standard Evil Creature Actions flowchart, except that instead of moving in a random direction, move towards whatever is closest out of the closest Deep Water, and the closest Tethru.
